Experience Warmth & Wonder: Essential Tips for Comfort on Summer Cruises to See the Northern Lights

by | Apr 5, 2024 | Cruise Travel Tips

Imagine the warm embrace of a summer night, the gentle lapping of waves against the side of a cruise ship, and the sky above you alive with a dance of colors. That's the magic of embarking on a summer cruise to see the Northern Lights. It's a journey that promises not just a vacation, but an experience, where the marvels of nature meet the comfort of luxury travel.

For many, the Northern Lights are a distant dream, something to marvel at in photographs or documentaries. But picture this: you're there, on the deck, wrapped in a cozy blanket, hot cocoa in hand, as the aurora borealis performs just for you. This isn't just another trip; it's a bucket list adventure that brings together the best of summer cruising with the awe-inspiring beauty of the Arctic's most famous light show.

As we dive into the wonders of summer cruises to see the Northern Lights, you'll discover why this unique experience is more than just a journey—it's a chance to witness one of the world's most spectacular natural phenomena in unparalleled comfort. So, let's set sail into a summer night like no other, where the sky tells stories in hues of green and purple, and memories last a lifetime.

Choosing the Right Summer Cruise Destination

When pondering the vast array of choices for a summer cruise to see the Northern Lights, it's not just about where but also when and why. The search for the perfect destination can often feel overwhelming, but the journey is as much about the connection one makes with the spectacle as it is about the spectacle itself. Why settle for just any view when you could have a story etched in the stars to tell?

Norway often emerges as a frontrunner in this celestial chase. Picture this: they're gliding through the Norwegian fjords, the sky a canvas of vibrant hues dancing overhead. It's not just the sights that steal your breath away, but the stories – tales of Viking explorers beneath the very same lights. Norway's allure isn't just in its Northern Lights; it's in linking the present with the past.

Moving eastward, Iceland throws nature's rulebook out the window. The land of fire and ice blesses adventurers with more than just the auroras; it offers waterfalls, geysers, and landscapes that look moonlit even in the absence of moonlight. Here, the question isn't why one should care about Iceland as a destination, but rather, why wouldn't they? The juxtaposition of ice-capped volcanoes under the auroral display provides a visual symphony unmatched by any other locale.

Across the pond, Alaska's untamed wilderness offers a backdrop of towering mountains and reflective waters, painting a picture of tranquility and tumult in one stroke. While Alaska might share its skies with Norway and Iceland, its narrative is uniquely American – a story of the frontier, of exploration, and of the indomitable spirit of adventure. The Northern Lights are just one of the characters in this sprawling epic.

But what truly sets these destinations apart isn’t just their geographical inclination towards the aurora borealis. It's their ability to make one feel infinitesimal yet integral to the tapestry of the cosmos. The ideal location threads the needle between breathtaking natural phenomena and the richness of human history, between the majesty of the night sky and the warmth of the cultures beneath it.

Best Time to Witness the Northern Lights

Ever wondered why some travelers come back from their summer cruises with tales of the sky dancing in green, while others might just mention the endless daylight? Here's where timing isn't just everything; it's the only thing. Choosing the right time to witness the Northern Lights can transform a simple trip into an unforgettable journey. But when exactly is that?

Contrary to popular belief, summer might not always be the prime season for aurora hunting. The Northern Lights, or aurora borealis, require dark skies to be visible, and during the peak summer months, destinations like Norway and Iceland boast near 24-hour daylight. So, why consider a summer cruise at all? Here's the catch: Late summer and early fall offer a sweet spot.

From late August through September, the nights begin to draw in, yet the weather remains relatively mild. Picture it: standing on the deck of a cruise ship, wrapped in a blanket, sipping hot chocolate, and waiting for nature's most spectacular light show to begin. It's not just an experience; it’s a moment of connection with nature, a story you'll tell for years to come.

Eyewitness accounts shed light on the magic of these moments. One traveler shared how they felt the first time they saw the aurora: "It was like the sky was alive, moving in ways I didn’t know was possible. I realized how small my problems were under this vast cosmic dance." It's stories like these that turn a simple trip into a profound experience.

But why does this time frame work so well? Scientifically, the equinoxes in March and September are known to increase geomagnetic activity, making the Northern Lights more visible. It's nature's way of adding drama to the skies, precisely when we're there to see it.

Let's look at the numbers to provide a clearer picture:

DestinationBest Viewing MonthsDarkness Hours
NorwayLate August - September6-8
IcelandLate August - September6-9
AlaskaLate August - Early September6-7

Notice how each location offers a specific window of opportunity, tailored by nature itself. It's as if the world is inviting us to pause and look up.

Onboard Activities and Amenities to Enhance Your Experience

Ever wondered why some summer cruises stand out more than others? It's not just about the destinations. The onboard activities and amenities play a huge role in transforming a good vacation into an unforgettable journey. Especially when you're aiming to catch the majestic Northern Lights, the cruise ship itself becomes a pivotal part of the experience.

Picture this: you're gliding through the icy waters, the sky painted with hues of green and violet, and instead of just standing on the deck wrapped in a blanket, you're engaging in activities that enrich your understanding and appreciation of this cosmic spectacle. That's the magic good cruise lines weave into their itineraries.

Educational Workshops: Imagine attending a workshop where experts explain the science behind the Northern Lights and share tips on how to capture the perfect aurora photograph. These sessions don't just feed your mind; they connect you deeper with the phenomenon you're about to witness. It's one thing to see the Northern Lights; it's another to understand the solar winds and magnetic fields painting the night sky.

Spa Experiences Under the Stars: Why not pair the visual feast of the auroras with a sensory one? Some cruises offer night-time spa experiences on deck, allowing passengers to soak in a hot tub or enjoy a massage under the shimmering lights. It's an indulgent way to embrace the Arctic's beauty, making you wonder why this isn't the standard for all Northern Lights cruises.

Aurora Viewing Parties: Sure, you can watch the lights from your balcony, but there's something undeniably communal and exhilarating about joining other passengers at a viewing party. Equipped with hot drinks, blankets, and sometimes even live music, these events turn the act of watching the Northern Lights into a celebratory affair. It's these shared moments that often become the highlight of the trip, reminding us that sometimes, the magic is in the company we keep.

Tips for Capturing the Northern Lights on Camera

When embarking on a summer cruise to witness the spectacular Northern Lights, many travelers harbor dreams of capturing this celestial dance in photos. But why settle for mere snapshots when you could bring back epic tales told through luminous imagery? The secret? It's not just about having high-end equipment but understanding the dance of light itself.

Understanding the Dance

Imagine standing on the deck of a cruise ship, the cold air brushing against your face, and the sky above you alive with colors. This isn't just another night; it's the night you've been waiting for. But here's the twist: capturing the Northern Lights isn't as straightforward as clicking the shutter button. Why? Because this light show doesn't follow a choreographed pattern. It's unpredictable, fleeting, and mesmerizing. So, how do you immortalize this moment?

First, let's talk settings. They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but what if it could say more? To capture the depth and motion of the auroras, one needs to delve into manual settings. But don't let that scare you. Think of it as tuning an instrument to play the right note. A slow shutter speed, a wide aperture, and a high ISO might seem like a recipe for disaster under normal conditions. Yet, under the ethereal glow of the Northern Lights, these settings weave magic.

Embracing the Elements

But what about the environment? Standing on a moving ship adds a layer of complexity to the challenge. The vessel’s subtle sway might be calming, but it also means adapting quickly. A sturdy tripod and a remote shutter release become your best friends, anchoring your camera against the motion. And let's not forget about the cold. Batteries drain faster in cold weather, so keeping spare batteries warm and close to your body ensures the show goes on.

Storytelling Through Lenses

Here's where you can truly stand out. Every photograph tells a story, but what story do you want to tell? Is it the awe-inspiring scale of the auroras against the night sky? Or is it a more intimate tale, featuring silhouettes of fellow travelers caught up in the moment? Perhaps it's the story of nature’s unparalleled artistry, with the ship’s deck framing the scene. This choice defines your unique take on this celestial phenomenon.

Think about it: why should they care about these technical details?

Ensuring a Memorable and Comfortable Northern Lights Viewing Experience

Ever wondered what makes a Northern Lights cruise not just good, but unforgettable? It's not just about catching sight of those elusive auroras. Surprisingly, comfort plays a huge role. Imagine being cozily wrapped up, a warm drink in hand, watching the lights dance across the sky. Sounds perfect, right? But getting there, that's where the real adventure lies.

When planning a summer cruise to see the Northern Lights, one might ask, "Why should I care so much about comfort?" Here’s the thing: Comfort directly influences memory. If you’re shivering or your feet are aching from standing too long, chances are, those discomforts might overshadow the magical aurora experience. So, ensuring comfort isn't just about the physical aspects; it's about creating a setting where every sensation enhances the memory of the lights.

Layer Up, Wisely

Don't underestimate the chill of the Arctic, even in summer. But here's where it gets tricky – dressing in layers isn't just about piling on as much as possible. It's a delicate art. You want materials that breathe yet insulate, allowing you to add or remove layers effortlessly as conditions change. Wool, fleece, and thermal synthetics are your best friends here. And remember, the right footwear makes a world of difference. Insulated, waterproof boots can be the line between an unforgettable night under the auroras and hours of just hoping to get back inside.

Essential Accessories for Comfort

Would you ever think a thermos could be your best companion on a Northern Lights cruise? Here's why it might just be. Holding a warm drink not only keeps your hands warm but also gives you that comforting warmth from within, enhancing the overall experience. Also, consider bringing along some rechargeable hand warmers. They're small, but on a chilly deck, they're worth their weight in gold.

Capture Comfort in Your Memories

Here's a thought: when taking photos, try to capture not just the lights, but the sense of comfort and warmth experienced during the viewing. A photo of loved ones cuddled under a blanket with the aurora overhead tells a story of warmth, comfort, and wonder. It’s about framing the Northern Lights not just as a celestial phenomenon, but as a moment of human connection and comfort in the vastness of nature.


Embarking on a summer cruise to see the Northern Lights is more than just a journey—it's an experience that stays with you long after you've returned home. Remembering to stay warm and comfortable is key to creating unforgettable memories under the aurora's glow. With the right preparations, from dressing in layers to bringing along a thermos of your favorite warm beverage, you're set to capture not just the lights but the cozy moments that make the adventure truly special. So pack your bags and your camera. The Northern Lights await, ready to weave their magic around you in a spectacle of color and light.